Draft 1, Book 2, 30 Days, Oy vey.
Write the first draft of the second book in one month. No problem, right?
My Hometown (Said All Springsteeny)
After the book's hometown stop, our next destination is my hometown.
Liberty, Libations + Brotherly Love
AKA why Philadelphia was the perfect and ONLY setting for "When Happily Ever After Fails."
The One Where the Dog Made the Cover
That little white guy on the book is no rando dog. Like everything in a writer's life, there's a story and inspiration behind him, too.
Another Father’s Day, Another “Death” of Sorts…
I had (have? I don’t know anymore) a male figure who had been in my life since birth. He never took the place of my father, but was a large support to my parents and myself. He has been there through thick and thin, never hesitating to drop anything and everything if I needed him. Then something changed.
Are You My Mother?
It’s a weird question to ask when you know who your mother is, but still long for that pivotal figure in your life.
Babies aren’t a Birthright (Pun Intended)
This is an important fact to acknowledge always, but especially during National Infertility Awareness Week.
I Root for You = All Anyone Wants to Hear
People really just want to know you're in their corner.
“What Would Your Parents Think?”
It’s the million-dollar question surrounding this book and the parents’ portrayal that no one is asking (but I suspect everyone wants to).
But, Like, Why Not Me?
Bad things happen to people all the time, so can’t the same be true of good things?
20 Rando AF Facts About a Rando AF Person
Because what are we, aside from a bunch of nonsensical stuff shoved into a body?
Tony Robbins was Right (& I Just Died a Little)
We may be able to have it all, all at once...we just may not be able to do it lickey split.
The Top 5 Benefits of Having No Parents
I'm not saying it's the ideal, but there's an upside to everything.
The (Seemingly) Lost Souls Club
Sometimes you see people in a different light when you can feel the shared pain.
On Race & Identity
How much does our skin color and the ethnicity(s) we identify with impact our experiences? Our opportunities?
Meet Cute IRL
For Valentine’s Day, I thought I’d share my real-life meet cute – aka how I met my husband.
Unpopular Opinion: Not Forgiving is Okay
Is it socially acceptable to be a professional grudge holder (and should we care if it’s not)?
Say What You Need to Say
Don't wait for your own come-to-Jesus moment before telling those you love how you (specifically) feel.
What I Know About Grief (Could Fill a Book)
I know enough about grief to know this: there’s no roadmap. No handbook. Not even a one-size-fits-all grief gift that can make everyone feel better. Instead, it’s one of those MFing things that continues to morph and shape shift with every person and experience – kind of like a frenemy or really desperate Tinder date.